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Conor Seyle
Enero 07, 2021

Will the US Take Heed of Recent Lessons To Address US Conflict Drivers?

The violence the world witnessed at the US Capitol on January 6 is no exception to what we have observed internationally for more than a decade in terms of drivers of political violence and conflict. In this issue, OEF Senior Strategic Advisor Conor Seyle dives into what we can learn about moving fo...
Jon Bellish
Diciembre 30, 2020

Peace on Earth: A Holiday Message & Year-In-Review From OEF

From all of us at OEF, we are wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. Join us in remaining mindful of the long road ahead, but hopeful for creating a better 2021. As we look to the new year and work toward the long-term goal of an earth beyond war, we’d like to share a few of th...
Noviembre 13, 2020

First Female US Vice President-Elect!

70 countries have chosen a woman as their highest political leader. Women made up 24% of members of national legislatures around the world. No country has achieved parity yet. But, with the new US VP-elect Kamala Harris, we see another important step towards achieving gender equality!
Noviembre 11, 2020

Trump’s Post-Election Tactics Put Him in Unsavory Company

In a recent article for the New York Times, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Andrew Higgins examines how by refusing to accept the results of last week’s U.S. election and working to delegitimize the vote, President Trump is following a similar strategy to that of dictators.