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Jay Benson
Victor Odundo Owuor
Febrero 11, 2019

Diaspora’s Investment in Fragile and Conflict Impacted Economies

Fragile and conflict impacted states often suffer from a severe lack of investment capital for private sector development. Diaspora investors have the potential to play a critical role as frontier investors, providing much needed capital for economic growth and development.
Jay Benson
Victor Odundo Owuor
Febrero 11, 2019

Investing from Abroad

Fragile and conflict impacted states often suffer from a severe lack of investment capital for private sector development. Diaspora investors have the potential to play a critical role as frontier investors, providing much needed capital for economic growth and development. This report explores a va...
Febrero 11, 2019

Diaspora Investment: Filling the Financing Gap in FCS Economies

Private sector development and economic growth are critical to the peacebuilding process in fragile and conflict-impacted states (FCS). In order to realize the potential of the private sector in these contexts, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need access to capital.
Febrero 02, 2019

Charting the course for ocean sustainability in the Indian Ocean Rim

Secure Fisheries’ Sarah Glaser was interviewed and quoted by the Economist Intelligence Unit in a report on the importance of considering gender in fisheries development: “When big industry comes in, often women take the hit, as women who work in small-scale fisheries sub-sectors such as processing ...
Michael Spagat
Enero 15, 2019

The Debate Continues: Peace by the Numbers

Aaron Clauset brings something new to the table by showing that the Correlates of War (COW) dataset on international war size and timing is compatible with a “no change” model according to which the risks of international wars of all possible sizes have remained stable over the last two centuries. M...
Enero 05, 2019

Unsafe Sea Migration, and The Real Counter-Piracy Lessons

More than 1,600 migrants have died in the Mediterranean Sea in 2015. The month of April alone accounted for an estimated 1,100 dead in three separate accidents involving over-crowded vessels ferrying people fleeing the conflicts in Middle Eastern and Northern African countries for the safety of Euro...