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Robert Sokol
October 20, 2022

Learning How to Transform our Conflicts

No Bigger Challenge, No Bigger Opportunity 
So says Rob Sokol, the new Managing Director of OEF’s eXperimental Negotiation Initiative (xNI). Learn about Rob’s journey to OEF and the vision he is pursuing with William Ury to awaken our innate capacity to transform conflict into creative negotiation.
October 18, 2022

Founding the eXperimental Negotiation Initiative: An OEF Incubation Story

In 2017, as the conflict between the US and North Korea was escalating, the founder of OEF, Marcel Arsenault, partnered with Harvard’s co-founder of the Program for Negotiation, William Ury, to see if there was any way to interrupt the path to the growing potential of a nuclear exchange.
October 18, 2022

Madagascar Mangroves Model Potential for Future Conservation in Somaliland

Secure Fisheries and partner organization Blue Ventures recently completed a learning exchange to Madagascar for members of the fishing community in Zeila, Somaliland, as well as representatives from Somaliland's Ministries of Fisheries and Environment and members of the local non-profit organizatio...
October 12, 2022

Huertas urbanas por la paz. De los disturbios a la siembra

Agricultura urbana en barrios marginados de Cali | PASO está apoyando esta red de huertas urbanas que funciona con jóvenes, mujeres y víctimas del conflicto armado, quienes participaron en las protestas que conmocionaron Colombia en el 2021. El proyecto aprovecha la solidaridad y el deseo de cambiar...
September 28, 2022

Convocatoria laboral: Capacitador apícola

Como parte del proyecto Atendiendo la migración y las cadenas de valor en Arauca, PASO Colombia ha abierto una nueva convocatoria para la prestación de servicios como extensionista en el municipio de Saravena, Arauca.