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Peace Negotiation and Diplomatic Engagement

Peace Negotiation and Diplomatic Engagement
Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
March 24, 2022

Collaborative Living: Peace as a Horizon

In the event "Peace in Theory and Practice: A Discussion on Peace Systems", the researcher Douglas Fry and the director of PASO Colombia, Juan Fernando Lucio, joined in a conversation about their theories of peacebuilding and the practical experience in the Colombian context.
February 18, 2022

OEF's Approach to Incubation

Our core organizational strategy and values require us to take seriously the idea that our goal is to catalyze systems that are sustainable, that are scalable and—most importantly—that actually address problems underlying conflict. So we’ve developed a theory of incubation, based on iteration and sc...
February 16, 2022

Unstuck: Getting to Peace in Colombia

In 2015, negotiations were in full swing during the Colombian peace process. The negotiators were discussing one of the most complex issues: the delicate question of transitional justice and who would be held accountable for the thousands of war crimes. After a complete deadlock, President Juan Manu...
Sahana Dharmapuri
January 10, 2022

Gender Equality Is Central to Technology and Democracy

Our Secure Future Director Sahana Dharmapuri recently published an OpEd in Foreign Policy in collaboration with OSF Fellow Jolynn Shoemaker urging policymakers that gender should not be sidelined from global technology governance efforts.