The Institute of Research and Intervention for Peace of the Universidad del Valle and PASO Colombia have rescheduled the forum RURAL ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS (ERAs) AND ECONOMIC REINCORPORATION IN COLOMBIA for next Thursday, November 19. Join us from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (COT)
By Marcel Arsenault, co-Founder, CEO, and Chairman of One Earth Future, an incubator of peace programs around the world, including PASO Colombia. He is also a member of the Giving Pledge, and Founder and CEO of Real Capital Solutions
PASO Colombia announced “A Network for Peace and Security in Colombia,” a new partnership that aims to promote the inclusive rural development of campesinos economies that have been affected by conflict for several years.
The COOMULSEPAZ Multiactive Women Seeding Peace Cooperative, founded by women participating in the Contingency Plan, is responsible for coordinating activities that will ensure that there will be no shortage of food in Anorí.