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Jon Huggins
Liza Kane-Hartnett
October 05, 2013

Somali Piracy - Are we at the End Game?

Recognizing the decrease in pirate attacks, this paper evaluates the current status of counter-piracy initiatives and attempts to answer the question, have we reached the End Game?
Conor Seyle
Thomas G. Weiss
Kelsey Coolidge
August 17, 2013

The Rise of Non-State Actors in Global Governance: Opportunities and Limitations

The success of non-state actors does not mean that intergovernmental organizations have no role — quite the contrary. The diversity of actors has created opportunities for new partnerships to form and older ones to be strengthened, but states and their intergovernmental organizations remain an essen...
Jon Bellish
April 09, 2013

Economic Cost of Somali Piracy 2012

Oceans Beyond Piracy is pleased to present its third annual assessment of the Economic Cost of Somali Piracy 2012 (ECoP 2012).
Eamon Aloyo
Yvonne M. Dutton
Lindsay Heger
March 08, 2013

Does the International Criminal Court Deter Torture?

Despite widespread commitment to the international human rights regime, human rights abuses persist and go unpunished. One prominent explanation for this phenomenon is that states are insincerely committing to treaties they perceive as having weak enforcement mechanisms. Only recently, however, stat...
Michael Smith
March 01, 2013

Industry Analysis: Fishing in Somaliland

The market for fish within Somaliland is expanding. Between 1,000 and 1,500 kilograms of fish are reportedly brought to Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, on a daily basis during high fishing season but this does not satisfy demand.
January 05, 2013

Somalia Banking: Transfers, Challenges and Opportunities

This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of the banking segment in Somalia. It reviews current systems for financial transfers and discusses the possibility of the introduction of a two-tier banking system.
Kaija Hurlburt, Robert Spivak
January 01, 2013

The Fishing Sector in Somalia/Somaliland

Fishing is a highly profitable venture throughout the world; the tuna industry alone is worth $6 billion globally. Surveys of Somali waters show that there are significant fish stocks off the coast of Somalia—these waters are in fact considered to be some of the richest fishing grounds in the region...