Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning

ILA publications specific to our work and approaches. But can be used by any program if relevant

Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
Saddam M. Ahmed
May 29, 2024

Shuraako and The Danish International Development Agency Team Up

To Launch a Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program for SME's
The initiative provides support for small and medium-sized enterprises to help them thrive in the Somali region. Hoden, the project manager in Mogadishu, says this technical assistance and capacity building program is part of a bigger strategy to help solve problems in many sectors of the emerging e...
May 06, 2024

The Applications of AI and Machine Learning in Fisheries Management

Artificial intelligence—specifically, machine learning—is beginning to play a significant role in fisheries management for capturing a proliferation of data, analyzing data, and conducting advanced computations, as well as processing natural language, recognizing patterns, and making predictive anal...
May 06, 2024

Project Kalluun Catch Composition Data

The data here was collected from December 2022 to February 2023 and the graphs include the different types and amounts of fish that were caught over a 3-month period in Mogadishu, Bosaso and Kismayo.
Saddam M. Ahmed
May 06, 2024

OEF Hosts Co-Creation Workshop for Youth Empowerment Hosted in Hargeisa

OEF hosts a groundbreaking co-creation workshop focusing on youth empowerment in the fisheries, livestock, and agricultural sectors. This event is a step toward laying the groundwork for a more prosperous and inclusive future by providing a platform for collaboration and innovation.
Aydin Shahidi
April 24, 2023

Sensemaking as a Tool for Deepening Organizational Learning

Leveraging the power of collective sensemaking can amplify the impact of learning efforts and help organizations practice adaptive management more effectively. This, in turn, enables organizations to proactively manage risks and seize emerging opportunities for scaling impact.