Al Siha Enterprises

Founded in 1997, Al Siha Enterprises (“Al Siha”) is a family-owned company that has grown its marine products business from a small fish reseller with a few clients to a successful company with eight motor-powered skiffs, a supply network of over 40 artisanal fishing skiffs, a 225-ton cold chain storage facility onshore, and four refrigerated vehicles.

As demand for Al Siha’s products grew, the company recognized its capacity was constrained by the size of its boats, lack of adequate fish-finding technologies onboard, and its cold storage capacity while out at sea. Through a Shuraako-facilitated investment, Al Siha was able to increase the volume and value of its catch through the procurement a 36-meter boat, a navigation system, fishing equipment with 45 tons of cold storage, and a four-ton onboard blast freezer. With this investment, Al Siha was able to utilize modern fish-finding technologies and stay out at sea overnight, dramatically reducing its fuel consumption rate.


Enterprise Size: Medium
Year Founded: 1997
Project Sector: Manufacturing