Black Sea Fishing and Chicken Center

Black Sea Fishing and Chicken Center (“Black Sea”) is a food grocer in Hargeisa that sells frozen chicken, fresh vegetables, and a seasonal selection of fresh and cooked fish to the two biggest markets in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The demand for fish has been steadily increasing in Somalia as the quality of the country’s fish supply improves, awareness of fish health benefits increases, the cost of red meat rises, and as the returning Diaspora demand fish. In 2014, Black Sea expanded to meet this growing demand and opened another retail location in Hargeisa’s second biggest market.

After receiving a capital investment through Shuraako, Black Sea has expanded its fish supply to meet the growing demand. The investment helped fund the procurement of a boat and additional fishing equipment. Black Sea’s second retail location has increased its revenue stream by over 70%. 


Enterprise Size: Small
Year Founded: 2008
Project Sector: Fishing
Employees: 14