Participants of the Rural Alternative School (ERA) of Communication celebrated their graduation ceremony after six months of training in topics such as marketing, audiovisual production, and digital strategies.
Members of the communities of San José de León and Becuarandó in Mutatá, Antioquia, gathered to celebrate the graduation from Rural Alternative School (ERA) of Communication, in which fifteen people, including campesinos (rural peasants), ex-combatants, and their families, received their certification after six months of training in areas such as marketing, audiovisual production, and digital strategies. In this event they also showcased to their communities the audiovisual pieces created to promote their products and projects through their social media.
Since January 2021, the communities of San José de León and Becuarandó in Mutatá have participated in the pilot project of the ERA of Communication, which was co-financed by the “Imagining Our Image 2020” (INI, as per its Spanish acronym) grant awarded to PASO Colombia by the Ministry of Culture. The project brought together members of the cooperatives COOFORTUNA and COOPEMPRENDER—who partnered with the ERAs of Mutatá and Ituango, respectively—as well as people who live in their settlements.
They received training to tell the stories of reconciliation and entrepreneurship behind their productive projects through their own voices and perspectives. Along the process, they developed their own brands and created content for social media to support product marketing and project funding efforts.
Below, you can find the first videos produced by participants of the ERA of Communication in Mutatá. In the following weeks they will be releasing new content in their social media. We invite you to follow them.
In Paramillo, reconciliation brings together men and women working for a better future and new stories of peace for Colombia.
Follow the social media accounts of PARAMILLO on Facebook and Instagram
In the Abibe mountain range, a community of ex-combatants is building a dream of peace with productive projects that harness and take care of its natural wealth.
Follow the social media accounts of AVIVE on Facebook and Instagram
Participants of the ERA of Communication created the AVIVE brand based on their learning in audiovisual production, social media advertising and audiovisual short storytelling.
Members of the Paramillo brand tell us how in the ERA of Communication they learned how to shoot and edit photos, videos and use social media to tell their own stories.